Archangel Metatron

中文翻譯 Chinese translation by Vina

July 2013

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are emotion, home, family, cherish, foundation, visionary, practical, help others to help themselves.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins the energetic tone changes in subtle and dramatic ways.  The energy shift will draw your focus from “ideas” to emotions.   Over the next six months the revolutionary attitude and  public demonstrations will begin to subside.  The populations who have demonstrated for change will find it is manifesting – not publicly but personally within their hearts, homes, and families. 

From July through 2020 shaky financial foundations will begin to stabilize, the next step in technologies will be revealed, and new industries will begin to thrive.   You each move into an 8 year co-creative cycle that will result in a new economy personally and globally. 

Power and economic strength will shift from nations and groups of people to each individual.  The reason for this shift from collective to global is the cycle of manifestation.  The “nation” represents the mass consciousness of the people as a whole.  The mass consciousness has shifted; it is busy organizing the changes the majority of individuals have worked for.  Now the focus returns to each individual, pushing to open a new level of evolution and development.  As this individual opening and “wish” becomes a part of the mass conscious the “power” I call the flow will move to groups, the national, and finally the global level.  July begins a new consciousness cycle which will culminate in 2020. 

As July begins Mercury is Retrograde.  It is time for a rest, relax, and take the time to just think.  You will feel expansive and optimistic even though personal safety, financial security, and a loving family will be your main focus.  Get clear about what needs to be done to manifest these qualities in your life.  Then you may begin to plan your next step.   

Your attitude will also change.  People around you will seem to shift – becoming more patient and not demanding instant results.   Each of you will begin to develop your sense of self and work toward becoming truly empowered.  You may expect positive emotional progress and physical results to manifest over the next six months. 

Beloved ones, make the time to meditate and dream.  Mystical awareness will open during the first week.  Some of you will receive visions and prophecies during this week.  If you are not in the habit of recording your thoughts and experiences in a journal this is a good time to start.  

The New Moon on the 8th will change the laws concerning the operation of the stock market, banking, and financial management.   At this time take care where food is concerned.  Many may find themselves with allergic reactions and food borne illnesses will be in the news.  Expect your work load to increase and financial concerns will be on your mind. 

At midmonth the restless energy that has been driving you to create change begins to dissipate.  Compare your inner vision to your outer accomplishments.   The global political scene begins to calm down and the revolutionary fervor that has caused violent eruptions will be replaced with some form of stability.   

After the 20th the introverted, cocoon phase you have been in will release.  Get out and socialize, network, and flirt.  Take the first step and reach out to the world.  You can move forward understanding that the steps you take now will result in stability and security for a few years to come.  You are aware of other’s emotions.  You may be given insights and solutions.  You will find practical steps that will create positive outcomes.  It is time to evaluate your routine and make changes that will increase your productivity. 

The full moon on the 22nd will impact transportation due to political and legal decisions.  At personal levels this is a good time to start a business, find a new job, or begin a romance.  The energy flow is filled with light and manifestation.  All you need to do is ask and dreams will begin to come true.   You will have the necessary energy, vision, and discipline to manifest success. 

The 31st bring potential for earth changes in the form of quakes and/or storms.  Machinery and technical equipment may breakdown.   Beloved ones look to your safety and take extra care when you are driving or working with machinery. 

Month end will bring a dramatic shift in your vibrations.  Everything will be taken to the next step, everything will be elevated!  This time opens the possibility of enormous spiritual evolution and heightened awareness.   Look at every situation carefully and seek the lesson that is offered.  Delve deep, you will be guided by inspiration and the flow will manifest your next step.  Make the time to worship and express your devotion to the divine.  You are able to tap the flow of Divine energy that supports all humankind.  

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!   July brings planetary alignments that manifest optimistic, joyful energy.  These alignments that I call a grand sextile will bring truly divine energy to earth.  You will know how to solve your problems and harmony will replace discord.    The flow of light brings hope and joy.  Use this energy to improve the community you are a part of.  I am the Metatron.