Archangel Metatron

March 2012

中文翻譯 Chinese translation by Asta and Vina

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are complacency, galactic, light, polarity, clarity, competition, complexities, productive, amorous.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins the energy flow is manifesting through the Galactic Gateway which opened Feb 12th. This Gateway will remain open until March 22nd.  Beloved ones, as a result of the Gateway energies your choices are critically important.  Each of you will bring your focus from sensational headlines and global issues to your inner life, your spirituality, your lifestyle, your family, and the concerns of your neighborhood. 

This is the time of choice and through mass consciousness humankind has equal potential to create global peace or conflict.  March 2nd through the 30th are critical days with major influences bringing almost “instant manifestation” of thoughts and emotions.   The energetic mood is generally positive and I tell you that manifesting harmony and peace are the greater probability.   

There is reason for optimism because March begins and ends with divine hexagram alignments.   These aspects manifest the energy of divinity.  They manifest complex energies, layer upon layer of subtle influence.  These alignments do not direct you to use that energy in a specific way you must make wise choices to direct the energy. The energies also polarize through oppositions present in this alignment.  The energies demand that you give the world best that is in you, and they call for clear personal decisions.    Manifestation will come between April 4th and the 20th of May.  Beloved ones, the choices you make now will define your future in ways I cannot begin to describe. 

The energy sanctifies the traditional values of home and family.  The path of home and hearth must be established before spiritual evolution can commence.   If challenges to your spiritual / religious traditions and beliefs manifest, accept that as an opportunity to clarify your value.  Align your beliefs with your values and emotional needs. This will manifest the next step in joy!  At an intellectual level this is a fun, exciting time filled with ideas and insights.  You will gain through revelations bringing a new understanding of who you are.  As you live, observe yourself, and you will gain awareness of the unique individual you are becoming.    

The next step in health care, with breakthroughs in the treatment of dread diseases will be manifest.  The new energy technology will begin to manifest from the poorest of nations.  Use strategy, logistics, and consider your tactics for this will be a competitive time in the business world.  This will be an exceptionally productive month.  Your world will be transformed and old forms will begin to fade away.

The full moon on the 8th may manifest governmental conflict at a global level. 
Eclipses produce the most powerful magnetic influences. You may notice the influence of the coming May 20th Solar eclipse from mid month onward.  This eclipse line of darkness will direct energy between Beijing, China; to Taipei, Taiwan; and Tokyo Japan.  The United States Northwest coast will also be impacted.  

The 12th manifests solutions, windfall profits, and major changes. Expect economic and political competition and challenges to begin to manifest now. 

 Social activities and romantic liaisons will bring joy.  Is it time to meet your true mate and settle into a life of married bliss?  If so take advantage of amorous energies flowing during midmonth.   Your interaction with others requires diplomacy and cooperation.  You will find it easier to be yourself, the energies draw forth your authentic personality.  

Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th, shift your focus to practical planning.  Take step by step progress on current projects.  The energy will release April 4th and you may find your life path will be redirected in the aftermath of this retrograde.  April will manifest an easier path, inner work now will ensure success.

Right now everyone settles into a frugal mood, making wise financial judgments.  Consider the bigger picture, and you ensure your future financial/ economic stability

The new moon on the 22nd manifests harsh energy.  People are likely to be tense, angry for no reason, and accident potential is high.   The Moon also stimulates creativity and ingenuity. 

Expect another high profile fraud case. Carefully read the fine print in contracts or agreements.  Life changes and important events will evolve over time as a result of your choices during March.  The limitations of time  may frustrate some of you, but you must wait for the right time to take action. Anger and force will not bring success, patience, faith, and intuition will allow you to rise above your difficulties.  You will reach your goals!

During this lunation you find the energy to be yourself, courageous and confident.  You will begin to live for yourself, from authenticity rather than the rationale of pleasing others.  You will gain the freedom to BE.

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  I am the Metatron.