Archangel Metatron

"Twelfth level Light Body is the ascension."

It is marked by the movement of the Merkabah into the heart center of your body. The Merkabah can most easily be described as a golden ball of light. It is the vehicle of your ascension, and a major initiation for you when it happens. That event is the beginning of your personal ascension into a fifth dimensional world of oneness. The ascension can occur at an individual level, it can occur within a group, or it will occur as a part of the collective experience. You will ascend when you are ready, whether you do it alone, as a part of a group, or as a part of the planetary shift yet to come. There is not a period for the ascension in any way. At an individual level there are ascensions occurring daily. This year, 1995, is the first year since Harmonic Convergence where the energy has been available for the shift into a fifth dimensional consciousness while in a physical body. There are many beings, who are incarnate because they have volunteered to serve by testing the Light Body experiment. They are the first ones to move into ascension. For the rest of you, the Light Body program will continue until you are ready, and then you will shift. Ascension is a very simple thing. It is a change that occurs in an instant, but you are still here. The sun will still shine and the stars will still twinkle. The difference is Joy, your ability to live joy and to feel joy. The easiest way to verify that ascension has happened is to note the quality of joy in a person's life. The beginning of the ascension is when a person begins living life by creating their fantasies as their reality. I, Metatron can define JOY as Samadhi, ecstasy, or rapture. It is that state of oneness with God. It can also be defined as your center or being on your center. That clear space you can achieve in meditation where energy is flowing and you feel that absolute cosmic oneness with all. Whatever brings you pleasure or feelings of lightness, and whatever you would define as joy, is a pathway to that state. If you are working as a part of a spiritual group, you will experience a series of faster shifts in your processing. When one member of your group notices the embodiment of the Merkabah, you all will have received it, and will soon become aware of it also. The individual members may not have noticed this occurring at first, but at least one member of the group was ready for it, and as a result the entire group will get the benefit. A group working on ascension has a tremendous advantage because fifth dimensional consciousness is a consciousness of "oneness" or in other words, the group is one. Working with a group creates enormous synergistic energy, where each of you is far more powerful than you would be if you were alone. It also gives each member a chance to learn to relate both as individuals, and from oneness within the group. This is an essential fifth dimensional consciousness shift that everyone must make. As individuals and groups focus on ascension, they should focus on beginning to recreate their lives as absolute masterpieces of joy. As they do so, they will begin to live from joy, and later, they will become joy. As each of you does this, you will begin to shift everyone you come into contact with in your daily life, broadcasting the energy of joy to them and waking them up to that frequency. The mass ascension will occur when the majority of ascending humans on the planet are existing in this state of joy, and not until. The reason for this fact, is that this planetary experience is one of free agency. In this dimensional universe, free agency is divine law. When the majority of you are living from joy, the planetary experience will have moved into a world of love and oneness. When the majority of you have given up the game of polarity because you have learned all you could, and have by your own choices moved into joy and oneness, the mass ascension will occur. Until that time comes, and it will, the Light Body progression will continue. The ascension will take as long as it takes, and humanity as a collective group, in the end, decides the timing of the great event. Free agency cannot be tampered with, not even for the highest of purposes, not even to create the ascension. The point I wish to make with this information is that the greatest way each of you can serve God, serve all mankind, serve the planet, and to serve yourselves is to create your lives as masterpieces of joy. Be ruthless in evaluating your lives, and clear everything that does not bring you joy. Let go of old emotions and old issues, for they are consuming the energy you could be feeling joy with. If you focus on this as the entire process, and focus on learning to live from joy as your path of initiation, you will become the adept or spiritual master you desire to be. You will assist everyone you meet, by your very presence, and you will be anchoring the energies of joy for the planet as well, to assist her in birthing a new level of manifestation for all. This ecstatic state of union with God is a part of the potential that is open for all. This path of joy makes the ascension so very simple, for all that is required is for each individual to begin focusing on, and taking full responsibility for his life. Live life as a masterpiece of JOY. The planetary changes that have been prophesied for these times you are living in are frightening for many. Since you have nothing to fear but fear, I will bring forth information about how the Light Body process has changed the probable future for the planet. I have described the process for you as it affects your physical self and your personal life. I will now explain how Light Body impacts the planet, for the planet is physical, and the entire basis for sustenance of your physical life. As you become a being of light the planet also changes. The planet is becoming a sphere of crystal and light. When the Light Body experiment began in 1988, the planet was shifted into third level Light Body. The planet shifted into a higher level each year after; fourth level in 1989, fifth level in 1990, and sixth level in 1991. The planet entered seventh level on Jan. 11, 1992 with the 11:11 gateway, and remained there until the next gateway opening which was 5/5/92. This gateway initiated the beginning of eighth level Light Body for the planetary process, and with that level of Light Body, earth changes were most probable. Planetary shifts have always been ushered in by a series of technologies I call gateways. Gateways are energetic conduits opened from a higher dimensional universe to this one. These conduits bring through the energies necessary to pattern mass consciousness, change planetary vibrations, and to change dimensional frequencies. A gateway requires the assistance of the space brothers and many beings on higher dimensional frequencies to create it and to refine the energies for the specified purpose. The purpose of a gateway, and its timing is the domain of the Light Councils, or Karmic Board, and the Great White Brotherhood. These councils oversee the progress, and assist when needed. The 5/5/92 gateway purposes were to forestall probabilities around cataclysmic disasters, which were most likely as the planet began losing density. The greatest probable disaster was a pole shift. The 5/5/92 gateway began the shift between the in breath of God and the out breath of God. The shift between an expanding Universe and a contracting Universe. This gateway, 5/5/92, signaled the still time between the two directions. This still time continues until 2012 when the exhalation begins. This physical Universe has been expanding, fragmenting out into individuation. When the contraction begins it is the merging of the fragments into oneness.